“Untitled (Multiplicity)”
metal, glass, light bulb, electrical cord, wood crutches, fire hose
52 x 72 x 72 in.
© 2010
This work engages with the notion of biological stasis, although biological stasis is part of an evolutionary process, it also allows a moment in which to reflect and become contemplative. The lamps in their incompleteness are a reflection of human limitation theory which says some of the biggest mysteries of the universe may never be solved.
Recently having read the essay, “Algorithmic Complexity: Out of Nowhere,” Kostas Terzidis, the discussion talks about the complexity involved in the appearance of pattern recognition, and how humans are limited in deducing such information. Computers have greatly assisted in the recognition of such complexity however, it seems pattern and process in the universe are probably too large and complex for human comprehension.